In March 2006 I stumbled upon two paintings by the 1940s/50s kitsch painter, Vernon Ward. I bought them in a thrift shop in South London where the seller tried to convince me they were originals. Clearly they were not. I bartered him down from £250 to £5.50 for each.
Since then, I've been collecting vernon ward prints as cheaply as possible. Why? Well, I'm not really sure but it's something to do with kitsch ideals and aspirations for perfect worlds.
The paintings are awful but they represent something idealised. This is a project about collecting. It's about passion and obsession. Utopia and the mundane.
... and I need your help. Do you have any prints by the Wardster? If you do, I want them. Blog them up onto the sight. If you want to sell them I might be interested in buying.
But there are rules to the project. We will never pay over £15 for a print and the prints need to be from his migrating bird period. If you've got em, I want em.
There are three rules to The Vernon Ward Project.
1. Only prints from the migrating birds period of Vernon Ward can be collected
2. No print can be bought at over £15
3. The collecting must stop in November 2006 when all prints will be re-exhibited in South London as a new art installation.