Monday, May 19, 2008


Andrew said...

Hi, I work for Lifeline which is a community based charity that provides a 24/7 telephone counselling service worldwide. We fund this service by selling donated goods through our shops. We have been given a Vernon Ward painting titled "Rythum in the pool" which is of 2 flamingos dancing in a pool. It looks like an original and I'm wondering if someone can give me some guidence as to it's value for us to sell to raise more money. Look forward to hearing from you.

nick said...

i have a vernon ward print of swans called "harmony of spring"
at least i think its a print as my eyesight isnt great and cant tell because of the glass in front of it.
my wife hates it, any takers!

kitschnkarma said...

is this project still going? what happened to the prints/installation?

Unknown said...

Hi there , I'm trying to find an image of night patrol its for a research project

"as the background to Vernon Ward’s well-known bird picture ‘Night Patrol’ shows Sky Type S in all its possible variations"

couldn't find a pic of it on the web and wondered if you came upon it in your project?

Unknown said...

Hi there. I have a print of 'night patrol'. It's on a wooden tray insert. One of 4 wooden prints that fit into one one large wooden tray.